After our big announcement and stream, we sat down with Adam for a more intimate talk about his BMX fandom, his work on the previous Pumped BMX mobile games, and what inspired him to start working on Streetdog BMX! We discussed his upbringing in Oxford, his overseas adventures teaching English off the coast of Madagscar, and how learning to ride BMX is similar to teaching yourself to code. When asked whether he's ever met any of his BMX heroes, here's how he responded:
"So in 2012, I was trying to promote Pumped BMX 2, and I was in Texas, and there’s someone on par with Dave Mirra in the BMX scene named Mat Hoffman. I saw him just walking across this field and I thought “Oh, man, I really can’t miss this opportunity to go and say hello to him,” but I’m not really the kind of guy who would normally go up to someone like that, but I thought “screw it, I’m going to give it a go.” So I went up and just kind of weirdly said “Um, I’m the guy who made Pumped BMX,” and I swear to God, he got his phone out, he didn’t even say anything to me, he just got his phone out and he showed me on his phone my two games, and he was like “Man, I absolutely love you.” Probably the highlight of my life!"